Faunalia's Blog

Our tips, tricks and news


Faunalia and North Road, in collaboration with Italian Institute of Geophysic and Vulcanology (INGV) have developed a QGIS plugin to manage earthquake historical and current data.

The QQuake plugin is born!

The simple interface allows the users to easily dowload the data:

QQuake UI


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2020: un anno molto particolare

Non serve ribadirlo: il 2020 è stato un anno particolare da tutti i punti di vista.

In Faunalia siamo stati abituati a viaggiare spesso per lavoro: numerosi corsi di formazione in tutta Italia e in tutta Europa, moltissimi convegni e seminiari, le vecchie Hackfe...

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Free Software? Why?

In this post we won't get into the details of Free Software, what is the story behind it and the history, rather, we want to focus on its importance.

Nowadays basically all the software use, at least in some part, free software. Starting from big companies like Google, Facebo...

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New Challenges

This blog post is not dedicated to GIS, informatics, or Python but it is an evaluation of how the business, our business, can and should adapt to future challenges.

CO2 emissions are growing and many local institutions and NGO are trying to find a solution to this problem.


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With the Dash application of Plotly team it is very easy to create custom Flask app/frameworks to deploy locally or on a dedicated server.

Meteo-App SouthTyrol

The Bolzano County provides historical data and dedicated API to download them.

The data start from 2014 and dep...

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